Saturday, 26 April 2014


Wow, I just finished reading Stephen's Story on Facebook. It was inspirational and definitely worth checking out.
The Facebook page is an account of a 19 year old boy who is suffering terminal cancer. Yet despite his bleak prognosis, he writes in such a positive tone, whilst raising money to help other teenagers with cancer.

Having a terminal illness, it is extremely easy to let it overwhelm you and force you into such a negative state, that some never get out of and I truly believe this negative state allows an illness to take a greater hold of you. However, as I said it is very easy to feel sorry for yourself, yet this boy speaks candidly beyond his years with a positivity that seems super human.

Children never cease to amaze me, no matter what the situation, they seem to always be able to see the positive. You can see it all the time in the kids wards, they are smiling, playing as best they can and often comforting adults, like the little girl, who left notes around the house for her parents to find and take comfort from, after she passed away.

Why is it that the older we become, the more we lean to the negative? Why are children often more selfless then adults in sad situations?

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